Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sunday Walk

 Around a month ago I enjoyed a nice walk through my city's botanical garden, accompanied by my hubby and a friend. I took advantage of the sunny day and took some nice pictures of the wide range of roses that were there, some of which can be seen below. I wish I had a better camera, but for now my small Canon is pretty decent when it comes to the "macro" function.
Another nice flower :)
... and this is me.

 It's sad that we've grown the habit of not doing anything with the little free time we have... On weekends I usually "recover" from a hectic week with unusual working hours and I just like "chilling" around the house or going shopping for necessities. 

 I have to set a "mid-year" resolution in which I must try and break this vicious habit. And it would be a great idea to post every new thing we do here :D .

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